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assign to set apart for a particular use or for use by a particular person. [6 definitions]
cosign to sign together with another or others. [2 definitions]
design to make or draw plans for, esp. the structure or form of. [11 definitions]
re-sign to sign again.
resign to terminate a period of employment, esp. by formal notification (often fol. by "from"). [5 definitions]
sign anything that indicates the presence or existence of a fact, event, quality, or tendency; indicator; indication. [11 definitions]
sin1 violation of religious law. [5 definitions]
sin2 the name of the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
sine in trigonometry, the ratio, in a right triangle, of the length of a side opposite an acute angle to the length of the hypotenuse. [2 definitions]
sing to make musical sounds with the voice. [8 definitions]
sing. abbreviation of "singular."
singe to burn slightly on the surface, end, or edge. [4 definitions]
Sino- Chinese.
Sn symbol of the chemical element tin.
sue to start a legal claim against; prosecute in a civil court. [3 definitions]
swing to cause (something hanging or suspended) to move back and forth around a point or on an axis. [25 definitions]
use to bring into service; employ, esp. habitually. [12 definitions]
v1 abbreviation of "verb," in grammar, a word that communicates a state of being or an action and that usu. has inflected forms to indicate tense, voice, mood, or agreement with a subject or object.
V1 symbol of the chemical element vanadium.
v2 abbreviation of "velocity," rate of speed or motion.